Mindset for Life Implementation Training
31 October 2019, 9:30am–4:30pm
Thebarton Community Centre
cnr South Road Ashwin Parade, Torrensville, 5031, South Australia
We are offering a full day’s training to help organisations bring the Mindset for Life toolkit to life to bring value to older staff or community members as they approach or navigate the early years of retirement. The Training Day will provide you with all you need to implement the Mindset for Life program in your company, organisation or community. You will get opportunities to get ‘hands on’ with the program and develop an implementation plan for your own business, council or community.

Tickets cost $690 for up to five staff and/or community leaders to gain access to:
- a detailed introduction to the program content
- detailed guidance on how to promote and run the program in-house, including recruiting and supporting volunteer program convenors
- access to the Delivery and Implementation toolkits including hard copy and electronic access
- 25% off additional implementation support packages offered by Think Human*
- morning and afternoon tea and a light lunch
“I have really enjoyed the whole experience, learnt lots and feel so much more confidence.”
Female Mindset for Life participant at Campbelltown Council