Mindset for Life Core Program, Campbelltown
15 April 2020, 9:30am–12:30pm
Campbelltown Council Chambers
172 Montacute Road Rostrevor, SA 5073, South Australia

PLEASE NOTE: Campbelltown Council have advised that, due to the rapidly unfolding situation regarding COVID-19, we need to reschedule this event.
We will advise as soon as a suitable date can be identified.
When you decide to stop working it can be challenging to work out what matters to you and what you want to do with your time.
Our partners at Campbelltown Council are offering the Mindset for Life core program again this autumn.
Mindset for Life is a three session program designed to help people think about these questions and find some answers. The program is aimed at people who are approaching retirement or have recently retired and is open to anyone.
Session dates are:
To be advised