Mindset for Life, City of Salisbury
8 September 2020, 7:00pm–8:30pm

When you decide to stop working it can be challenging to work out what matters to you and what you want to do with your time.
The Mindset for Life program is designed to help people think about these questions and find some answers. The program is aimed at people who are approaching retirement or have recently retired and is open to anyone.
Through an Age Friendly SA grant, four North Western metropolitan councils are working together with Think Human to run the Mindset for Life program in 2020 and 2021.
This version will be delivered via Zoom and coordinated by the City of Salisbury.
Over six online sessions we will take you through a range of frameworks, tools and research to help you reflect on your expectations and experiences of retirement and design the future that you want to live in your later life.
Sessions will be convened by experienced convenors from Think Human, the lead delivery agency for Mindset for Life.
Please Note:
The Mindset For Life Zoom-based programme consists of 6 integrated sessions. Attendance at all 6 sessions is recommended.
All sessions start at 7.00 pm and finish at 8.30 pm
- Retirement perspectives – Tuesday 8/9/20
- Reflecting back – Thursday 10/9/20
- Reframing your Mindset – Tuesday 15/9/20
- Looking to the future – Thursday 17/9/20
- Setting positive habits – Tuesday 22/9/20
- Social resilience & navigating future – Thursday 24/9/20
For enquiries and bookings for this free program, contact:
Jim Binder at the City of Salisbury
Email: jbinder@salisbury.sa.gov.au
Telephone: Ph: 8406 8251